Thursday, August 20, 2015

I'll Be Back


Anonymous said...

While this is awesome, I really love how the next case reads "Kitten has rectum..." without us seeing the rest.

Officer Cynical said...

I believe it says, "A kitten on Shaw Avenue apparently has rectum problems", which, of the two, is the one I would've been dispatched to.

Anonymous said...

"Do your work or I'll pummel you! Ahhhhh!"

sp77 said...

I really want to know what kind of kitten rectal problem requires intervention by law enforcement. Shooting flames? Full of stolen property?

slknapp78 said...

As someone who has had a cardboard cutout of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones (with an alien "worm" between them) for 18 years (I worked in retail, it came with the video release and the boss did not want it in the store), I can attest to how scary those things can be in the right lighting. My new husband I had moved to an apartment out of state and I'll never forget coming home from work alone to "someone" standing at the end of the hall. Nearly peed my pants. Hubby couldn't wait to get home to see if his brilliant idea had been successful. Yeah, very funny... NOT!