Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Happy, Happy, Happy

It's not uncommon for cops to have to deal with paranoid schizophrenic persons. Law enforcement is often the first line of contact with these individuals, who may be acting irrationally in public.

Just once I want to get sent to deal with a pronoid schizophrenic. The guy who's convinced that everyone is out to help him. He believes the FBI is watching him with the intent of making him their new Director. Aliens are invading Earth so they can give him the secret to eternal life. He wears a tinfoil hat to absorb the rays being beamed at him by the CIA that make him smarter and happier. The voices in his head tell him he's a cool and handsome guy, and give him tomorrow's winning lottery numbers. Why can't I ever deal with that guy???


Mark p.s.2 said...

This is a rhetorical question "Why can't I ever deal with that guy??? "
" To distinguish himself from the doctor of divinity, the doctor of medicine could not simply claim that he was protecting people from sin,...
It is not by accident that, in all the psychiatric literature, there is not a single account of voices that command a schizophrenic to be especially kind to his wife. That is because being kind to one's wife is not the sort of behaviour to which we want to assign a causal (psychiatric) explanation."
Mental illness: psychiatry's phlogiston

tbunni said...

I think you don't find that guy, because like an intelligent politician, he does not exist. But perhaps your delusion could be that he IS out there... somewhere...

Mark p.s.2 said...

I would also like to comment , in the previous post of a possible bad shooting of a civilian by a police officer, you Officer Cynical , give the shooter the presumption of innocence.
But in the case of Gregory the schizophrenic the opposite is performed. The schizophrenic is presumed guilty ( of being ill in some way) and needing to be locked up ( you say hospitalized) and/or drugged ( you say given medicine) BEFORE any criminal action can take place.

Liz Harris said...

If he's a happy psychotic, there would be no need to call you. Just sit back and enjoy someone's happy delusions for a change.

ASM826 said...

Because that guy is happy, functions okay, plays golf or takes his kids to the movies on Saturday, has a job. As long as he doesn't tell everyone what he is thinking, he looks like you or I.